

棋牌游戏平台, as with all independent schools, contributions are vital to the life and mission of the school. 通过棋牌游戏平台基金年度捐赠计划筹集的学费以外的资金为继续我们希望每个棋牌游戏平台学生体验的令人兴奋和创新的项目提供了坚实的财政支持. 大额捐献可在三至五年期间内认捐,一般捐献类型包括现金捐献, 股票, 债券, and other negotiable securities. 通过这些礼物,我们的学生可以获得的机会是棋牌游戏平台教育如此独特的核心. 请联系机构发展办公室了解更多信息.


  • Credit Card/Venmo/PayPal/Apple Pay

    Make your donation securely online by clicking here: http://apps.explozens-kennel.com/page/support-berkeley/online-giving
  • 检查

    Make checks payable to Berkeley Preparatory School. Note on the check memo line the designation of the gift.
  • Stocks / Securities

    Shares should be delivered to:
    DTC #: 0015
    摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)
    For credit to Berkeley Preparatory School account #745-038604.

    Our policy is to liquidate all 股票 gifts upon receipt. If you intend to make a gift of low-volume 股票, 请联系机构进步办公室的成员讨论转让前的礼物.
  • Donor Advised Funds

    捐款人建议基金是由个人持有的个人慈善捐赠帐户,捐款人在其DAF的最低水平上的捐款可立即获得税收减免, 然后可以向棋牌游戏大全等501c3慈善机构推荐基金的赠款. If you have an existing DAF through Fidelity Charitable, 施瓦布慈善, or BNY Mellon Charitable, you can designate gifts to Berkeley directly:

    Berkeley Preparatory School
    Berkeley’s  tax ID number is 59-1292802
    请浏览我们的 计划给 website for additional information.
  • 房地产

    The acceptance of real estate is made on a case by case basis, 主要的标准是捐赠将促进棋牌游戏大全的使命.
  • Gifts of Tangible Personal Property

    接受有形个人财产的赠与应视具体情况而定, 主要的标准是捐赠将促进棋牌游戏大全的使命.
  • 人寿保险

    人寿保险的承保是根据具体情况而定的, 主要的标准是捐赠将促进棋牌游戏大全的使命.
  • 特殊的礼物

    Gifts designated for a specific program, 购买, 或其他不包括在预算中的需要被归类为特殊礼物. 所有特殊礼品必须由机构发展办公室批准和协调.
  • 实物礼物

    Donations of equipment, 材料, or other valuable items for Berkeley’s classrooms, 库, 办公室, or facilities are considered gifts in kind. Acceptance of items is subject to usage and space constraints. 个人可以联系机构发展总监捐赠实物礼物.
  • Memorial and Named Gifts

    家庭成员, 教员, 学生, 女校友, 朋友, 或所爱的人可以通过特殊的命名或纪念礼物来纪念棋牌游戏平台. 存在着许多不同的机会,机构发展办公室可以根据个人情况协助作出安排.
  • 计划给

    计划给 为捐献人提供了一个机会来组织一个不仅为我们年轻人的未来提供的礼物, but also achieves a variety of financial objectives. 延期赠与包括遗赠、人寿保险、信托以及股票或房地产的赠与. If you would like more information, 机构发展办公室可以协助个人作出安排.
  • 匹配的礼物

    许多公司提供配对礼物计划,鼓励员工为慈善组织捐款. 有些公司提供相应的资金来支持员工的志愿服务时间. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift. 搜索我们的 目录 to find out if you work for a matching gift employer.
成立于1960年, Berkeley is an independent, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.