Support Berkeley

The Berkeley Fund

Since Berkeley was founded in 1960, 它为一代又一代的孩子创造了无数的机会. 棋牌游戏平台是孩子们的最佳选择,因为它是领导力的地方, 愿景, 完整性, and virtue thrive. It is where community service, the love of learning, and self-confidence are instilled in our children. The Berkeley Fund, our annual giving program, 在为我们的学生和教师提供丰富的机会方面发挥着宝贵的作用,而这些机会仅靠学费是无法弥补的.

Whether meeting a guest author, 使用制造工具和最新的工程设备, practicing under stadium lighting with new 运动 gear, 或者从他们研究领域的顶尖教师那里学习材料, 棋牌游戏平台基金帮助我们的孩子充分发挥学生的潜力, 艺术家, 领导人, and athletes. 您对棋牌游戏平台基金的支持使这一切成为可能,并影响校园的每个角落.

我们为棋牌游戏平台的慈善文化和强大的社区支持感到自豪! 今天,请加入我们的受托人、教职员工的行列,向棋牌游戏平台基金捐款.

The Berkeley Funds 常见问题解答

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • What does my contribution go toward?

    Supplements tuition dollars to give our teachers well-earned salary increases; provides teaching tools and equipment to enhance our children’s classroom, 运动, and fine arts opportunities; and subsidizes our endowment program, which in turn helps keep tuition affordable.
  • Why do you ask me to give when I already pay tuition?

    因为单是学费并不能支付教育孩子的实际费用. 每个学生的实际费用比学费高出大约1800美元. 向棋牌游戏平台基金捐款的家庭补贴棋牌游戏平台教育的真实成本.
  • Why don’t you just charge more tuition?

  • How much should I give?

    只有你能决定给棋牌游戏平台大学的捐款数额. 我们鼓励每个家庭优先考虑慈善事业. By our example, 我们教导我们的学生-我们未来的领导者-慷慨帮助他人的价值. There are gift clubs to suit anyone’s comfort level. 当你决定自己的礼物等级时,影响报告是一个很好的指南.
  • Do I have to send a 检查 right away?

    No, 您现在可以承诺您的礼物,并指出一个付款时间表,是最方便你,我们会很高兴地提醒你,当你的承诺是到期. 所有认捐款项应在6月30日棋牌游戏平台财政年度结束前全部支付. Gifts may be paid by cash, 检查, stock transfer, or credit card (MasterCard, 签证, or American Express). You may also set up an electronic transfer schedule. Alternatively, 联系机构进步办公室,了解捐赠增值股票有多容易.
  • Do the 教师 and staff give to the Berkeley Fund?

Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.