夏令营 & 项目


卓越之夏是一项针对小学适龄儿童的低年级夏季充实计划. The early childhood grades of Pre-K and Kindergarten are treated to a three-week, themed-based营, 而一年级到五年级的营员则有三个为期一周的以语言艺术为重点的营地, 数学, and science while integrating reading and 写作 skills throughout the three weeks. 所有营员都有机会刷新和提高他们的阅读技能, 写作, 数学, 电脑, 和他们的社会研究水平,同时在一次创造美好回忆的奇妙冒险中. Additional enrichment is offered to each camper through physical education classes, creative library experiences, and science/foreign language instruction. 露营者喜欢在学习日常生活的同时认识新朋友,同学和教师.


  • "Oh, the Places You Go"


    通过我们最喜欢的作家的眼睛探索数学,科学和语言艺术的世界. Pre-Kindergarten students will learn about the wonderful world of Eric Carle. Kindergarten students will cook up some fun with Dr. Seuss, while 一年级 students will read, write and add with Laura Numeroff. Pre-K and Kindergarten camps are three weeks. First grade campers have the option to attend one, two, or all three weeks.

    周5, 6, 7 (sessions for incoming Pre-K, K, and 1st graders); a hearty lunch provided by Sage Dining Services is an add-on option for this camp.
  • “语言艺术”


    During our first week of 卓越之夏, 我们二、三年级的“语言艺术家”们将通过文学圈的交流,激发他们的创作能力, as well as working through the 写作 process. The focus on decoding, 流利, reading comprehension, 写作过程将为每个营员提供机会,以建立他们的阅读和写作技能. 同时, 我们四年级和五年级的露营者将能够通过接触文学来进一步发展阅读策略和语言惯例,这些文学将引出口头和书面的反应,这将需要使用批判性思维技能, as well as creative verbal and written communication.

    This is a one-week session. A hearty lunch provided by Sage Dining Services is an add-on option for this camp.

    Week 5 (sessions for incoming 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders)
  • “数学热”


    卓越之夏的第二周,我们的二年级到五年级的营员们将参加“数学狂热”活动,他们将通过游戏将数学应用到日常活动中, 工艺品, and creative problem-solving opportunities. “数学狂热”期间的重点是加强基本的数学事实和适合年级的概念, as well as explore and discover numbers in the world that surrounds them.

    This is a one-week session. A hearty lunch provided by Sage Dining Services is an add-on option for this camp.

    Week 6 (sessions for incoming 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders)
  • “科学魔术”


    卓越之夏的最后一周将为二年级到五年级的营员们提供一个继续练习和应用阅读的机会, 写作, 在前几周的魔法科学实验和活动中,数学技能得到了强化. “科学魔术”的重点是让我们的营员通过科学过程技能来工作, such as investigations, 这将为营员提供一个机会,通过使用科学探究来发展解释和培养好奇心,加强对科学概念的理解.

    This is a one-week session. A hearty lunch provided by Sage Dining Services is an add-on option for this camp.

    Week 7 (sessions for incoming 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders)


第一周: 6月3日至7日
2周: 6月10 - 14日
第三周: 6月17 - 21日
4周: 6月24 - 28日
没有营 7月1日至5日
第五周: 7月8日至12日
第6周: 7月15 - 19日
第七周: 7月22日至26日
米歇尔·麦肯纳于2005年加入棋牌游戏平台大学,自2006年以来一直是夏季项目的教员. She is in her eighth summer leading 卓越之夏, 在此之前的许多年里,我一直密切参与这个受欢迎的低级别浓缩项目. She is a Florida native, a graduate of Leto High School, and received her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University. 她目前在棋牌游戏平台的科学、工程和技术中心(C-SET)任教. Michele has also worked in kindergarten, 一年级, 二年级, 学习中心, and as a member of the technology team. 她曾在“未来教育与科技会议”上就如何在课堂上有效使用科技做过演讲, the Florida Council of Independent Schools annual conference, and the Florida Kindergarten Council annual conference. 她的儿子, 布兰登, graduated from Berkeley in 2017, having been a student at Berkeley since pre-kindergarten.
成立于1960年, Berkeley is an independent, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.