米歇尔·麦肯纳于2005年加入棋牌游戏平台大学,自2006年以来一直是夏季项目的教员. She is in her eighth summer leading 卓越之夏, 在此之前的许多年里,我一直密切参与这个受欢迎的低级别浓缩项目. She is a Florida native, a graduate of Leto High School, and received her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University. 她目前在棋牌游戏平台的科学、工程和技术中心(C-SET)任教. Michele has also worked in kindergarten, 一年级, 二年级, 学习中心, and as a member of the technology team. 她曾在“未来教育与科技会议”上就如何在课堂上有效使用科技做过演讲, the Florida Council of Independent Schools annual conference, and the Florida Kindergarten Council annual conference. 她的儿子, 布兰登, graduated from Berkeley in 2017, having been a student at Berkeley since pre-kindergarten.